Ruby Tuesday: The Meaning Behind the Scarab Beetle

When we first started thinking of concepts for our latest Ruby Tuesday Collection the Scarab Beetle motif kept coming into the conversation. Both Ruby, a mother of 3 Rocket, Mars and Holiday, and our founder Fabienne, mother to her daughter Season, connected over the shared feeling of being 'reborn' when both becoming Mothers. Connecting to a new sense of self and embracing the giving (and magical) vessel that is the female form.

The Egyptian Scarab Beetle is the manifestation of Ra, the sun god, and represents resurrection, renewal and rebirth; a rising from nothingness. These oval-shaped beetles were considered sacred by ancient Egyptians and were worn as protective and good luck amulets. Scarab amulets were believed to ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from harm and were often given as gifts or used as talismans to attract prosperity and success.
The scarab beetle is known for its unique behavior of rolling dung into balls that it then uses as food or a place to lay its eggs. This process was seen as a representation of the cycle of life and death by the ancient Egyptians.
"And just like the rising & setting sun,
A Mother must too move with the seasons.
Wake, give, hold, nurture, love, devote,
Repeat, echo daily.
To be a Mother is to be reborn.
Not only do you birth a child,
You too, birth a new self.
Resurrected from a valley so deep,
A depth you never knew existed".