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Currently Loving | March 2016
So, we are working on some video blogs for our #YCLWomen, I feel this will be a more personal way to interact & connect with our community, share perspectives & chat about different topics. We've filmed a few videos so far, & are currently working on the lighting in our studio. So I am hoping to release them really soon! I'll be aiming to release a few videos a month.
Today's post is a little bit about what I am 'loving' at the moment. I enjoy doing these every now & then as I always find new small business to support & different products or activities I have fallen in love with & I feel really support my journey. I try not to limit these posts to just objets I am using, but rather a culmination of different things.
Bach Flower Essences
This is the first time I've ever use flower essences, & I must say I am really seeing the positive affect & benefits. I am only using 3 at the moment, 2 drops of each morning & night for 21 days. Flower essences can be used for a range of emotional, spiritual & metal imbalances, & sickness. I am also working with the Bach Rescue Remedy, that I am finding very helpful when I am very a little stressed.
Crystal Quartz Clusters
The cluster shown above in the image is my favourite at the moment! It's sitting in my kitchen, a wide open space & it is transmuting any negative & stagnant energy. I have a video blog coming about specific crystals for different rooms & spaces in your home, so keep an eye out for that.
Drying Fauna
There is something so magical about dried flowers & plants. I dry herbs, flowers & plants all the time & place them all over my house & in our studio. Being a flower addict, it also helps to keep my addiction more affordable, as instead of buying flowers each week, I can us the flowers & plants I've dried to adorn my home.
Using Scarfs as Tops
If you follow our Instagram, you would already know this. So, I already have a tendency to use scafs as skirts, even if it is completely impractical, lol. And now, as of late I am enjoying wrapping myself up in a scarf, I blame the scorching Australian weather & travelling to India in January; as I bought a lot of wraps & scarfs. It looks pretty cool, & you can use one clothing item in multiple ways, yay!
I am currently undergoing acupuncture treatment to balance my hormones out after coming off the contraceptive pill a year ago. I can already notice a massive difference after just a few treatments. Acupuncture is all about creative harmony & balance in the body, so it will be something I do at least once a month to create equilibrium in my body & evoke the bodies natural healing ability. I have been going to Australia Acupuncture Clinic, I couldn't recommend them more.
We are finally on the Snapchat bandwagon, we post a raw, behind the scenes look into the world of YCL. So if you'd like to see more of what goes down in our studio, meeting #TeamYCL, & lots more, join us, our username is: YCLJewels
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