How To Reflect, Review & Refocus Mid Year
The beginning of the year can be a time for new perspectives, ambition & drive. Many set goals, new & old, & filter through what they want to achieve for the year. For some, this drive can slowly dissipate as we move through the year, which can leave one feeling depleted mid-year, or dissatisifed with how the year has progressed. I believe that the energy circulating in the New Year can be somewhat toxic at times, we can take the opinions & expectations of others on as our own, or set unrealistic goals. Instead, I feel that if we were to adopt a more yin energy during this time, moving into mid-year would feel exciting, & replenishing, instead of leaving many feeling as if they haven't done enough.
We do not always have to be striving, or merely exisiting; perhaps, thriving instead? I have reading alot about 'living bigger with less' lately, & it's truly changing my life. We overcomplicate our lives & when we peel it back, peel all those layers back we realise we are so far removed from our true self. My refocus intention for the second half of the year is to simplify my life even more. Refine, refine, refine. Not only are these changes happening within my life, they are also manifesting within my work. I am seeing the beauty in making conscious purchases, shedding the excess & living a gentle life.
Ask: How do I feel? What have I learnt?
In this fast-paced, modern society, we can often forget to take time for reflection within our days. We can get so caught up in what we should be doing, that we forget to check in with ourselves & to reflect on all we have achieved, instead of only seeing what hasn't been done. I feel that if more people relfected upon simple questions like this often, overall our population would feel more at peace & content. Honest reflection can be medicine the soul has been yearning for. Step back, take a deep breath & write down everything you have done, what you have learnt, & why these lessons are so valuable. By seeing the beauty within our lives, we make space for more to bloom.
Ask: What no longer serves me? What can I let go of?
Look at aspects of your life, with love, that could do with a good ole review. We can often engage in toxic circumstances that we're not even aware of. This step allows us to give ourselves the permission to let go of all that no longer serves us, & move forward in grace. A few ways we can do this is asess whether we are opposing or resisting something in our life. Or, are we having a physical response to something? In most cases, if this is occuring it can be a sign from our bodies & universe that it may not be the right choice for us. Acknowledging this truly is so powerful, as we can often ignore the signs our bodies are giving us. What an incredible, intelligent vessel our bodies truly are!
Ask: How can I move forward? What do I want to cultivate?
Now is the time to evaluate & take our next steps for the second half of the year. Even if you are not to sure how you are going to move forward, instead perhaps think about what you would like to cultivate during this time. It could be as simple as one word, or a feeling, "I would like to feel more peace within my life" or "I would like to express myself in a more open & honest way". We do not have to set elaboarte goals, that can leave us feeling exhauasted & unworthy. Write down these valuable points, stick them on a fridge or mirror, to bring you back to this moment if you fall behind. And always remember, you are worthy of living your most enriching & fufilling life. It all starts with one choice, & one small step everyday.