Letter From Our Founder '21

Letter from our founder Metamorphosis, at times painful yet pure. This is the phrase that glows in my mind when I think about the year that 2021 has been, full of dynamic twists & turns, each more uncomfortable as we push boundaries.
Personal growth always feels uncomfortable & this is why I believe so many people do not even realise the full potential of who they are until, at times, it is deemed too late. Yet, it is in those pockets of deep reflection that doors close & new doors open, that our lens becomes clear & we can see our path ahead. It is in these moments that profound shifts take place, & we see the impact ricochet throughout our life, day after day.

As a brand, we have been in a state of expansion. 8 years felt like the perfect time to assess every facet of our brand, so we can continue to share our poignant message & create beautiful jewellery that means something to you for the next 8 years to come. If you look closely you can see some new directions coming through in campaigns & designs, & this is just the beginning - 2022 will see us pushing the envelope of jewellery customisation & user experience within a Fashion-Tech space & we cannot wait to see it all come to life.

Personally, 2021 was the year I moved through 3 rounds of failed IVF transfers, felt lost & confused at every turn as I pondered my fertility & what my future would look like. I also learnt I am even more resilient & open to challenges than I thought, & from this, I have deepened the loving relationship I have with myself. Let us take our learnings from 2021, & may they propel us into all that is coming, because life truly is happening with us, not to us. We all experience different transformations, & it is through empathy & love we can unite & build a loving world for us all to share. Fx