How to Create a Creative Space
Creating space within our life is such a beautiful way for us to invite new energy in, declutter our physical & mental selves, & to re-connect. If you follow my personal Instagram you would see that alot of my posts are space related. A passion of mine (as well as design) is interiors; not just what a space looks like, but rather how it makes you feel when you walk into & spend time in a room. This is something I am looking forward to exploring more soon.
Today I will be writing about how I personally create a space for the creative energy, what I feel is important to house within this space & how one could feel when being within the space. I have a home-based studio, this is where I work from on the days I am working from home. I also design, paint, read & meditate in this space.
I'd like to also mention, that we are all creative beings. We do not need to paint, draw, write, sketch to be a creative. It is an innate & intuitive sense within us as humans, to play & create with our hands & mind. Cooking is creating, helping your child with home work is creating, gardening is creating, wrapping a gift is creating. I ask, that before reading this post, we let go of any stigma we may hold onto around the word 'creativity' & allow this to be an opportunity to delve deeper into our calling.
The set up
For me, keeping my space clutter-free, very well lit with alot of natural light & with good air flow is vital. Choose a room, hall way, nook, or corner in your home where you can set up a space for yourself. It does not have to be a whole area, if all your set up is currently is a chair by a window, & that leaves you feeling inspired, then that is your creative space & it is perfect & whole as it is.
We have a four bedroom home with no children currently, & one of our spare rooms was being used as a storage room (just full of crap we couldn't be bothered throwing out). So my partner Dale & I cleared the whole room out & did a major purge, to create my creative space. I keep the centre of my room bare & open, so I can easily move my easel around, bring large canvas' in etc & so (most importantly) it is greyhound friendly haha. One must adjust the space depending on what you do in the space. For example, if you create sculptures, perhaps you require a certain type of flooring that caters for this. If you love to write, perhaps a quite space, separate from the hustle of the household, would be suitable. As the room is carpeted, I also bought a cheap rug to cover the floor I don't mind dirtying (and it looks nicer), so I can express myself freely when I paint.
What to include in your creative space
Here are some things you could include within your space, many of these items I include in mine:
- Desk
- Arm chair
- Plants & flowers
- Art
- Rug
- Crystals
- Candles
- Books
- Easel
- Pencils, pens
What to avoid
Listed below are a few things I try to avoid in my creative space & all rooms in my home:
- Excessive electronics
- Clutter
- Unnecessary objects
Why create a creative space?
In this life, so much of our embedded psyche & societal expectations, tells us to: do more, be more, work faster, harder, don't spend time on yourself blah blah blah. To thrive, we need a space we can step out of that energetic body into our true, authentic selves. Through my own personal experience of getting in touch with my creative self, creating a space dedicated solely to this has been so empowering for me as an artist. It has given me permission. Permission to explore these different facets of myself, to release this into the world & to focus more time on my art, as it is a huge part of my life.
If you enjoyed this post & would like to see more of my spaces, please feel free to join me on my personal Instagram where I share alot of this. I also have another project in the works, that focuses all on interiors & art, so if this sounds of interest, click here.
Fabienne x